Thursday, June 21, 2012

March and April

Here are some pictures from March and April. Emilie has been able to come with me to Cubs a few times. Skating was probably the funnest night to come. All the boys took turns at pulling her around the pond in her sled. She loved it! 

This little crib is where I often find this little monkey. Please note one sock and no pants...this girl just cracks me up!

A few classic tub shots. My pretty little Em!

A big cheesy grin for the camera!

Oliver and Emilie on the rides at West Ed! They cried when they had to get off this ride! So much fun!

Going on our first bike ride with mom's new bike and the trailer behind it! We have been using it tons and just love it!

Our little monkey!

Emilie and Uncle Cam's GIANT teddy bear!

Here are a few shots of Easter way back when!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Rockband Date

Our date for the month of January was a RockBand date at home.  We all got dressed up and ready to sing, strum, and dance our little hearts out! We all loved it.  Bryan even got some new-to-us PS2 games that we put to good use! Watch out American Idol here he comes!

Emilie singing her little heart out

we be jamming

Blue Steel - (note her little baby in the background!)

The sing-off

Can you say wedding video

Hanson Trip

Way back in December Bryan noticed that his favourite band was coming to town so we splurged and got two tickets for the January concert in Edmonton.  It was so fun to go to and I just loved watching Bryan singing his little heart out to all of his favourite songs and just loving every minute of it.  I am pretty sure that I was the only girl there that was there because my man brought me not because I was the Hanson fanatic.  I have grown to like their music over the years that we have been married so I did know quite a few of the songs but not even close to how good Bryan knew all the songs and the singers.  They were very entertaining!  We filled the rest of the weekend with lots of fun things.  Here are some pictures from curling with the Burrs! It was really fun.  We just love going and visiting Edmonton.

Avery & Emilie

Brent, Judd & Carley

 Emilie & Ellie

Bryan, Cam & Brent

Calgary Temple

Well way back in January we were able to go and see the angel Moroni being placed on the top of the temple... It was early one weekday morning so just me and Emilie went.  It was so cold as you can tell by Emilies red little face. Here is a blog we are keeping an eye on to stay updated on the progress of our temple that is only 10 or 15 minutes away! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Naughty or Nice?

Well Christmas has come and gone and boy was it fun! We were able to get to visit with all of our immediate family this year which is always a blessing.  We first went down to Taber and spent a few days there.  My sister Jenna took most of the pictures below.  I on the other hand did not.  Next time I need to be way better! We were able to do lots of fun things including going on a hayride/caroling, play Christmas songs with  bells, act out the nativity, do a little hand hockey, puzzles, lots of yummy food, basketball, "extreme home makeover" at my sister Amy's house, hot tubing, playing at the park and enjoying each other. It is always so much fun to get together.  Emilie was terrified of Santa but loved opening gifts.  She played so good with her cousins. We then went to Glenwood and were able to spent some time with the Prince extended family at the Lodge.  Being there is always fun! We headed up the next morning to Edmonton and made it there just in time to go to the World Junior Hockey game of Canada vs Denmark with Bryan's Parents.  It was lots of fun since there was so many goals! I love going to events that are about our Country! We played lots with the little cousins and enjoyed just being together.  It was fun to be back in Edmonton even if it was just a visit! I was very bad at taking pictures in Edmonton as you will be able to tell...

Here is a shot of her trying to prove to Santa that she deserved to be on the "Nice List"
Its about time she started pulling her own weight around here!

Her and Santa...he does look a little scary

 Her in her new Christmas pjs and robe

 Playing with Aunt Sarah

Opening Presents

Uncle Logan giving Em a throw

Christmas Morning...Emilie and Preston 

Making gingerbread houses

The hockey team

Getting a ride from uncle Nate

 The robe girls

Amy riding the donkey

We were so lucky to have grandma baldry with us this year

how cute are we

the traditional christmas morning stair picture

emilie's new busy book

measuring darin for a "coffin"
 puzzle mania table

the wise man himself

Emilie didn't really figure out the whole bell thing...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas is sneaking up!

This past while has been a whirl wind as I'm sure it has for you.  We haven been doing some fun things and I will let the pictures tell you the details!

 little mary and baby jesus

 thinking she is hilarious

 our ward party...night in Bethlehem

 putting the wiseman in a head lock....she loves him

 trying to wear her jessie doll's hat

 LOVING being outside in her sled

thinking she is hilarious again...mop head

We just love this funny girl.  She loves to make people laugh and will do almost anything to get a laugh! We are busy getting ready for Christmas and keeping up with Emilie!