So yes here comes a bunch of pictures from the last two months of summer because that is usually what I love looking at on here goes nothing!
Anni striking quite the pose at the sprinkle park
We had to put the towel on since it was so cold....the towel ended up getting very wet to say the least!
Ma and Pa Baldry up for a few days holding their favourite dark haired granddaughter
And them again with their little blonde barbie....grandma being her silly self!
My two little nieces! Ellie and Anni played so good at Emilie's baby shower!
Me and Emilie at her baby shower....she was thoroughly enjoying herself!
Danielle, Whitney and Anni at the Wolsey reunion down at the Prince Lodge in Glenwood! It was so fun to see cousins that we hadn't seen in quite a while!
Bryan and Nate playing "minute to win it" at the reunion
Visiting Grandma Baldry
Evidence of increased amount of laundry due to this little bundle of joy
Emilie: Born and raised in Millwoods
We just love to dance on Sunday mornings in our church clothes!